Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Low back pain is a usual symptom amoung the modern civilised people.It affects mainly the middle aged and young adults of both sexes.People who work on the chair with out exercise and those who carry heavy loads regularly are prone to get this complaint.We can hardly find a person who has not suffered from back pain atleast once in life.The causes of low backpain ranges from simple reasons like muscular strain to cancer of spine and hence backache should not be ignored.The pain is felt in lumbar and sacral region and may radiate to nearby sites.

The following are some causes for backache.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back.

2) Backache due to gynaecological problems.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back:--

a) Injuries :-

1) Compression fracture of the vertebral column.

2) Rupture of intervertebral discs.

3) Injuries to ligaments and muscles of back.

4) Lumbosacral strain.

5) Intervertebral joint injuries.

6) Fracture of processes of vertebra.

b) Functional backache due to imbalance:-

1) During pregnancy.

2) Pot belly.

3) Diseases of the hip joint.

4) Curvature in the spine due to congenital defect.

5) Short leg in one side.

c) Backache due to inflammatory conditions:-

1) Infection of the bone due to bacteria.

2) Tuberculosis of the spine.

3) Arthritis.

4) Brucellosis.

5) Lumbago or fibrositis.

6) Inflamation of the muscles.

7) Anchylosing spondylitis.

d) Backache due to degenerative diseases in the back.

1) Osteoarthritis.

2) Osteoporosis in old people.

3) Degenaration of the intervertebral disc.

e) Tumour in the spine:--

1) Primory tumour of the bones in the spine.

2) Metastatic tumours from other sites like prostate,lungs,kidneys,intestine ect.

2) Backache due to gynaecological problems:-

a) After childbirth.

b) After gynaecological operations.

c) Prolapse of the uterus.

d) Pelvic inflammatory diseases.

e) Cancerous lesions of the pelvic organs.

f) Endometriosis.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

a) Renal stones.

b) Ureteric stone.

c) Cancer of prostate.

d) Pancreatitis.

e) Biliary stones.

f) Peptic ulcer.

g) Inflammations of pelvic organs.

h) Occlusion of aorta and illiac arteries.

Investigation of a case of backache:-

1) Complete blood count.

2) Routine urine examination.

3) Ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis.

4) X-ray of the lumbar and sacral region.

5) MRI of the spine.

5) CT scan of abdomen and pelvic region.

6) Examination of rectum,prostate,genito urinary organs.

Treatment of back ache:-

1) Removing the cause for backache.

2) Symptomatic treatement.

3) Back exercises.

4) Traction.

5) Yoga.

6) Surgery.

7) Homoeopathy.

If you are interested in learning more Please visit The health Nut's Blog at http://healthnutzblog.blogspot.com The lessons and advice could help in many ways plus visitors could input there adivice as well .

Live and be well ...Jerald Polk

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Personal Dental Care:How To Achieve Dazzling Pearly Whites

Most people

nowadays are getting attracted to tooth whitening

products because they want to have a million dollar

smile just like the celebrities seen on television.

If you want your teeth to become whiter and more

dazzling, you can add whitening toothpastes into your

personal dental care kit. If you want to use whitening

toothpastes, don’t forget to check if it still

contains fluoride and other ingredients that fight and

prevent plaque and tartar.

However, a lot of whitening toothpaste users claim

that these whitening products didn’t really do much in

changing the color of their teeth. The yellowing of

the teeth is actually a natural phenomenon. As a

person gets older, his or her teeth becomes yellowish.

If you are not satisfied with the color of your teeth,

the best way is to visit your dentist first and

consult him or her about your dilemma. Your dentist

will tell you about the effectiveness of

over-counter-products or they may even offer to give

you professional treatment.

Most celebrities actually prefer to undergo

professional teeth whitening treatment because that

way, their unique needs can be met. Be very careful in

purchasing over-the-counter teeth whitening products

because some of these may contain bleaching agents

that can actually damage your mouth and gums.

In addition to that, do follow the instructions

strictly to avoid experiencing adverse side effects.

The Teeth’s Nemesis:

Sugar Perhaps everybody has gone through a stage in

their childhood when they would constantly hear their

elders warning them about the evils of eating too much

sugary sweets and candies. And those warnings are true

indeed; eating sugary sweets and candies is a major

cause of tooth decay.

However, it might helpful for you to know that its not

just about the amount of sugar that you eat - it also

involves when and how you eat sugary stuffs that

determine the health of your teeth.

When you drink sodas or eat sugary foods throughout

the day, the enamel of your teeth becomes constantly

exposed to acids. Cough drops, hard candies, and

breath mints are just some examples of the harmful

sugary sweets that dissolve in your mouth slowly.

Dental professionals and experts suggest a 3-hour

break in between taking food and drinks that contain

sugar. Starchy or sugary foods eaten with a full meal

is said to be less harmful to the teeth compared to

being eaten alone because the increased production of

saliva helps wash away the bacteria and sugar.

Eating sweet and sugary foods before sleeping is

perhaps the most damaging thing one can do to his or

her teeth because one does not produce a lot of saliva

when he or she is asleep.

If you want to have a health set of teeth yet you

can’t seem to cut out sweets from your diet, you can

try some of these tips to help you achieve your goal:

eat carbohydrates with a meal, brush your teeth

directly after eating, rinse your mouth thoroughly

with mouthwash or water, chew sugarless gum, don’t eat

sugary foods and sweets between meals, eat non-sugary

foods (cheese, popcorn, yogurt, raw veggies) as


In a nutshell, achieving and maintaining a healthy set

of teeth may not be as easy as 123 but with enough

determination and commitment to your personal dental

care routine, you will surely have the smile that

you’ve been wanting ever since.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cleanse Yourself and do Body Detox for better Health

There’s fastfood and processed food and practically a deluge of preservatives in the food we take in these days. Our awareness on healthy lifestyle, particularly healthy eating started at the height of the uproar over the use of genetically-modified organisms of fastfood chains like McDonalds.

People are starting to be more aware of their food intake, starting a new hype over the need for detoxification. Detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. Primarily referred to as a treatment for alcohol and drug dependence, body detox can also refer to the use of diets, herbs and other methods to remove toxins from the body for general health.

So, are you thinking of cleansing your body? Here are a few tips for healthy and wise and effective detoxification.

Go for a non-toxic lifestyle. This means going for natural food, drinking lots of fluids, especially water, exercising regularly and avoiding toxic food like junkfood, canned good, and other processed food. At the same time, you can try out a Detox Diet that will cleanse your body and give relief to body aches, allergies, digestive problems and other related concerns.

If you’re on a detox program, take as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, nuts, beans, rice and grains. On the other hand, take note not to indulge in sugar, caffeine, yeast, alcohol, chocolates and other food rich in additives and preservatives.

Plan your detox program. You can do a weekend fast. It is good to start on a Friday, with the weekend giving you the transition in and out of your detox program. Likewise, make sure that your detox plan is something that you can follow. Detoxifying does not mean starving yourself.

Appreciate nature. Exercise outdoors. The fresh air can do wonders for your lungs and circulation. If you live near the beach, it’s always good to take a walk or sprint early morning by the seashore. Have a balanced schedule of activity that will give you time for work and fun at the same time. Try yoga or pilates. Skip rope or walk in your neighborhood. Do anything to keep that body of yours up and running and always on the go.

Go for the spa. Take a shower and do skin brushing to help you detoxify. Rubbing your skin improves circulation and helps you shed off those dead skin layer.

Make sure that you have a regular bowel movement. Eat food rich in fiber. There’s also tea and other herbs which can help aid bowel movement. When you’re detoxifying, bowel movement is important as it lessens the possibility of toxins being absorbed into the body.

Be positive. A healthy mind means a healthy body. Rid yourself of all negative thoughts. They’re added toxins to the body. Smile and have the will and the commitment to your detox plan.

It’s never too late to start cleansing yourself, especially your body. With our hurried lifestyle in this up and busy and polluted world, we’re all entitled to some personal pleasures as simple as taking care of our health. Body detox may be as simple as ridding yourself of your negative thoughts by taking a walk in the park and letting the fresh air wash over your thoughts. Or it can be as complicated as following a strict detox diet to eliminate toxins in our deigestive system. Whatever it is, the important thing is, you find a way to cleanse yourself.

The health Nut's Blog has advice and tips to help everyday people who are looking to find better ways for better health if your intrested in improving your health please visit The Health Nut's Blog and tell us what you think. Your feedback is important to us. Http://healthnutzblog.blogspot.com

Jerald Polk
The Health Nut

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How Alcohol Affects The Brain.

I once had the unusual, though unhappy, opportunity of observing the same phenomenon in the brain structure of a man, who, in a paroxysm of alcoholic excitement, decapitated himself under the wheel of a railway carriage, and whose brain was instantaneously evolved from the skull by the crash. The brain itself, entire, was before me within three minutes after the death. It exhaled the odor of spirit most distinctly, and its membranes and minute structures were vascular in the extreme. It looked as if it had been recently injected with vermilion. The white matter of the cerebrum, studded with red points, could scarcely be distinguished, when it was incised, by its natural whiteness; and the pia-mater, or internal vascular membrane covering the brain, resembled a delicate web of coagulated red blood, so tensely were its fine vessels engorged.

I should add that this condition extended through both the larger and the smaller brain, the cerebrum and cerebellum, but was not so marked in the medulla or commencing portion of the spinal cord.

The spinal cord and nerves.


The action of alcohol continued beyond the first stage, the function of the spinal cord is influenced. Through this part of the nervous system we are accustomed, in health, to perform automatic acts of a mechanical kind, which proceed systematically even when we are thinking or speaking on other subjects. Thus a skilled workman will continue his mechanical work perfectly, while his mind is bent on some other subject; and thus we all perform various acts in a purely automatic way, without calling in the aid of the higher centres, except something more than ordinary occurs to demand their service, upon which we think before we perform. Under alcohol, as the spinal centres become influenced, these pure automatic acts cease to be correctly carried on. That the hand may reach any object, or the foot be correctly planted, the higher intellectual centre must be invoked to make the proceeding secure. There follows quickly upon this a deficient power of co-ordination of muscular movement. The nervous control of certain of the muscles is lost, and the nervous stimulus is more or less enfeebled. The muscles of the lower lip in the human subject usually fail first of all, then the muscles of the lower limbs, and it is worthy of remark that the extensor muscles give way earlier than the flexors. The muscles themselves, by this time, are also failing in power; they respond more feebly than is natural to the nervous stimulus; they, too, are coming under the depressing influence of the paralyzing agent, their structure is temporarily deranged, and their contractile power reduced.

This modification of the animal functions under alcohol, marks the second degree of its action. In young subjects, there is now, usually, vomiting with faintness, followed by gradual relief from the burden of the poison.

Effect on the brain centres.


The alcoholic spirit carried yet a further degree, the cerebral or brain centres become influenced; they are reduced in power, and the controlling influences of will and of judgment are lost. As these centres are unbalanced and thrown into chaos, the rational part of the nature of the man gives way before the emotional, passional or organic part. The reason is now off duty, or is fooling with duty, and all the mere animal instincts and sentiments are laid atrociously bare. The coward shows up more craven, the braggart more boastful, the cruel more merciless, the untruthful more false, the carnal more degraded. ' In vino veritas ' expresses, even, indeed, to physiological accuracy, the true condition. The reason, the emotions, the instincts, are all in a state of carnival, and in chaotic feebleness.

Finally, the action of the alcohol still extending, the superior brain centres are overpowered; the senses are beclouded, the voluntary muscular prostration is perfected, sensibility is lost, and the body lies a mere log, dead by all but one-fourth, on which alone its life hangs. The heart still remains true to its duty, and while it just lives it feeds the breathing power. And so the circulation and the respiration, in the otherwise inert mass, keeps the mass within the bare domain of life until the poison begins to pass away and the nervous centres to revive again. It is happy for the inebriate that, as a rule, the brain fails so long before the heart that he has neither the power nor the sense to continue his process of destruction up to the act of death of his circulation. Therefore he lives to die another day.

The health Nut's Blog helps everyday people with everyday needs. We only give good helpful advice to those who are concerned about into ways to improve health though everyday living if you are serious about making postive changes to your life, please vist this link here and take the time to read our helpful advice http://healthnutzblog.blogspot.com/

Friday, October 23, 2009


One fact attendant on habitual drinking stands out so prominently that none can call it in question. It is that of the steady growth of appetite. There are exceptions, as in the action of nearly every rule; but the almost invariable result of the habit we have mentioned, is, as we have said, a steady growth of appetite for the stimulant imbibed. That this is in consequence of certain morbid changes in the physical condition produced by the alcohol itself, will hardly be questioned by any one who has made himself acquainted with the various functional and organic derangement's which invariably follow the continued introduction of this substance into the body.

But it is to the fact itself, not to its cause, that we now wish to direct your attention. The man who is satisfied at first with a single glass of wine at dinner, finds, after awhile, that appetite asks for a little more; and, in time, a second glass is conceded. The increase of desire may be very slow, but it goes on surely until, in the end, a whole bottle will scarcely suffice, with far too many, to meet its imperious demands. It is the same in regard to the use of every other form of alcoholic drink.

Now, there are men so constituted that they are able, for a long series of years, or even for a whole lifetime, to hold this appetite within a certain limit of indulgence. To say "So far, and no farther." They suffer ultimately from physical ailments, which surely follow the prolonged contact of alcoholic poison with the delicate structures of the body, many of a painful character, and shorten the term of their natural lives; but still they are able to drink without an increase of appetite so great as to reach an overmastering degree. They do not become abandoned drunkards.

No man safe who drinks. ----------------------

But no man who begins the use of alcohol in any form can tell what, in the end, is going to be its effect on his body or mind. Thousands and tens of thousands, once wholly unconscious of danger from this source, go down yearly into drunkards' graves. There is no standard by which any one can measure the latent evil forces in his inherited nature. He may have from ancestors, near or remote, an unhealthy moral tendency, or physical diaeresis, to which the peculiarly disturbing influence of alcohol will give the morbid condition in which it will find its disastrous life. That such results follow the use of alcohol in a large number of cases, is now a well-known fact in the history of inebriation. The subject of alcoholism, with the mental and moral causes leading thereto, have attracted a great deal of earnest attention. Physicians, superintendents of inebriate and lunatic asylums, prison-keepers, legislators and philanthropists have been observing and studying its many sad and terrible phases, and recording results and opinions. While differences are held on some points, as, for instance, whether drunkenness is a disease for which, after it has been established, the individual ceases to be responsible, and should be subject to restraint and treatment, as for lunacy or fever; a crime to be punished; or a sin to be repented of and healed by the Physician of souls, all agree that there is an inherited or acquired mental and nervous condition with many, which renders any use of alcohol exceedingly dangerous.

The point we wish to make with you is, that no man can possibly know, until he has used alcoholic drinks for a certain period of time, whether he has or has not this hereditary or acquired physical or mental condition; and that, if it should exist, a discovery of the fact may come too late.

Dr. D.G. Dodge, late Superintendent of the New York State Inebriate Asylum, speaking of the causes leading to intemperance, after stating his belief that it is a transmissible disease, like "scrofula, gout or consumption," says:

"There are men who have an organization, which may be termed an alcoholic idiosyncrasy; with them the latent desire for stimulants, if indulged, soon leads to habits of intemperance, and eventually to a morbid appetite, which has all the characteristics of a diseased condition of the system, which the patient, unassisted, is powerless to relieve since the weakness of the will that led to the disease obstructs its removal.

"Again, we find in another class of persons, those who have had healthy parents, and have been educated and accustomed to good social influences, moral and social, but whose temperament and physical constitution are such, that, when they once indulge in the use of stimulants, which they find pleasurable, they continue to habitually indulge till they cease to be moderate, and become excessive drinkers. A depraved appetite is established, that leads them on slowly, but surely, to destruction."

There are many ways to find good tips on this blog,I hope this will help you and if you would like to find many other tips on this topic please visit http://healthnutzblog.blogspot.com for more info.
Thank you
Jerald Polk the Health Nut's BLog

Choosing The Right Exercise For You

The type of exercise you do all depends on you and what you like to do. What you hate doing, paying membership fees, and whether or not to buy equipment are all things you need to consider as well as answer. If you choose something that you don't like to do, you aren't going to keep doing it for a long period of time. Give it some thought - if you don't like jogging, you aren't going to get up at 6 AM and go running. If you can't find something you like to do, choose something you hate the least, which will normally be walking. Walking is great exercise, as it suits all levels of fitness. Anyone can start a walking program at any time, it's normally the intensity and duration that differs. Walking is also a social exercise, as it isn't difficult to find a training partner to chat with while you exercise. Walking with a partner will also make time go by faster.

No matter what exercise you choose, you should start at a low level of intensity and build it up over a period of weeks, which is essential to the longevity of your exercise program. If you start off too hard, you could end up with an injury which will require time off to get over. If you are really in bad shape, you should start off by walking for 10 minutes each day. Then, increase it by 5 minutes every 2 weeks. To make things more interesting, you should try walking a different course every few days. You can also roster a different friend to walk with you each day of the week. If walking isn't your thing, then you may want to try a fitness center. They have loads of variety and normally have trainers on hand to answer any questions you may have. When you choose a fitness center, make sure that they give good service.

If they aren't willing to treat you well before you join, then they certainly won't after you join. You should also make sure that the equipment they use is well taken care of. It's easy to find out, as all you have to do is listen to the machines. If they squeak a lot or make noise, then chances are they aren't being taken care of. If you still aren't sure what you should do, then you should look into golf or tennis. Both are good social activities in most areas, and you can even meet new friends. Tennis is great for fitness although it isn't for someone who is just starting out. If you haven't exercised in a long time, then golf may be the best  activity for you.

The Health Nutz Blog is looking for people who need good afordable ways to get better health advice espeically due to the economic crisis, we as people should look for different ways to maintain and improve overall health. Please take the time to vist The Health Nut's Blog to find good helpful advice http://healthnutzblog.blogspot.com/

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Reasons To Exercise

Many us need to follow an exercise program, in order
to remain healthy. Below, you'll find several good
reasons why you should start exercising now.

1. Contributes to fat loss
It is well proven from scientific research all over
the world that physical exercise contributes to
weight loss. If you burn more calories than you
consume through nutrition, you'll lose weight. When
you exercise, you burn more calories than when you
don't. It's really simple - the more you exercise,
the more weight or fat you'll lose.

2. Prevent disease
The chances of developing several various diseases
has been proven to decrease when exercising. These
diseases include heart disease, cancer, diabetes,
and the stroke.

Around 4 out of 5 deaths caused by heart disease
and cancer, are linked to factors that include stress
and lack of exercise. We all know that diabetes
increases the chance for heart attacks and strokes.
What this shows, is that many of the risk factors
and diseases caused by not exercising are working
in conjunction to damage your health. To prevent
this from happening,

3. Improving disease
Many severe and minor diseases can be improved or
even healed through regular exercise. These even
include the diseases listed above. By following
a regular plan, you can also decrease HDL
cholesterol levels, decrease triglyceride levels,
and decrease your blood pressure as well.

Exercising on a regular basis will also reduce
the risk of prostate cancer for men, breast and
uterine cancer for women, and much more. All of
this is scientifically proven, which is why you
should start exercising today

4. Enhance your state of mind
Everyone knows from the many scientific studies
that regular exercising will lead to an increased
release of endorphins in the body. These chemicals
will fight depression and make you feel happy. The
body releases these endorphins only 12 minutes
into the workout.

There is another chemical known as serotonin that
is increased during and after a workout. The
increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous
system is associated with feelings of well being
and decreased mental depression. The chemical
can also help you sleep better at night.

5. Enhance your wellness
When you are in great shape and well fit, you'll
have more energy and you'll notice that your overall
mood is improved. You will have experienced that
you can stretch beyond your own limits and you
know that you can do more than you thought possible.

6. Persistence
Exercising regularly will give you more energy,
which can help you be more productive at home and
at work. Exercising can help give your new goals
a sense of purpose and give you something to focus
on and aim for. This can help you increase your
persistence and prevent you from going off track
while you aim for your goal.

7. Social capabilities
After a workout on a regular basis you can boost
your self esteem. This can help you look better
and you'll be more comfortable as well. Exercise
will also help you to become more active and meet
new people, which will prevent you from feeling
isolated and unsupported. Exercise will also
increase your interests in sex, and can help you
to improve your marriage or your partner

After knowing all of these tips and reasons to
exercise, you shouldn't hesitate to get out there
and exercise. You can exercise at home or go out
there and join a gym. There are several different
ways that you can exercise, all you have to do
is select a few that you like. Take a little bit
of time out of your day and start exercising -
you'll feel better than ever before and your body
will thank you.

This is a very helpful tip please feel free to share this posting and give me your comments on some more tips that help on exercising http://healthnutzblog.blogspot.com/

Jerald Polk
The Health Nutz INC.